2000 Brittain Road, Suite 830, Akron, OH 44310
MON - SAT 10am - 9pm, SUN Noon - 6pm
Department store and holiday hours may vary.
CBL Select Giftcard

Spencer Gifts
Spencer Gifts is the world's premier retail specialty gift chain specializing in unique, irreverent, trendy and fad based merchandise.

Major Lines:
Accessories, Jewelry, Sunglasses, Collectibles, T-Shirts, Greeting Cards, Posters, Party Lights

Brand Names:
Blacklight Merchandise; GAG; Over The Hill Gifts; Rock Shirts and Collectibles; Gold & Silver Jewelry; Posters; Cards; Keychains and the original Lava Brand Lava Lamps

Store Location:
Lower Level, 261  
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CBL & Associates Properties, Inc.